It's common, when in a relationship, to get your girlfriend a gift - especially around the holidays. Woman love gifts no matter the occasion. It shows attention to detail and that you care enough to spend a portion of your day going out to get something for them. So, when it comes to this, it's important to consider these five things before buying her anything too quickly.

What is the occasion?
Think about the reason for the gift, such as a birthday or an anniversary.
What does she need?
Is what you're buying her something she needs or something she'll rarely use?
Can you afford it?
Consider your own financial situation before you start spending too much money on short term satisfaction.
How will she remember it?
Investing in items isn't as great as buying tickets for things you can experience together.
Where does she shop?
If you decide to buy your girlfriend clothes, be sure you understand her style and the kind of clothes she likes to wear. Buying the wrong thing can be just as bad as getting her nothing.