Maintaining a healthy relationship doesn't have to be hard work. And when you're with the right person, you won't constantly worry about them cheating on you. The question then is how do you get to that point? What can you do to win over your special lady's heart, so she doesn't want to even look at another guy?

1. Spend time with her in the real world
Because we're in the age of social media, most of our interaction happens online. However, there is no substitute to meeting face-to-face. It's harder to build chemistry when you're talking through a screen. She loves when you text her, but it's not the best way to communicate. Think of texting as an added bonus.
2. Praise her in unique ways
The best way to boost a woman's self-esteem is through flattery. If you're always complimenting her, she'll feel valued. And most importantly, she'll want to stick around.
The trick here is to never use the same compliment. A pretty girl will have heard it all before. Take the time to craft new, quality compliments. For example: "I like your new haircut. I've never seen someone pull it off as well as you."
3. Show your strength
Set boundaries. Draw lines in the sand. Explain your expectations. Don't be hesitant to be forceful about how you feel. These habits can improve your relationship.
Women love strong, confident men. That being said, don't be pushy. There's a fine line that you need to walk in this situation.
4. Let her hang out with her friends
A relationship should make you feel buoyant, not drag you down. If the only fulfillment either one of you gets is from the relationship, it puts undue stress on the situation.
Make a point to carve out some time for your friends and let her do the same. Besides, distance makes the heart grow fonder!
5. Always do your share
If you start to take the relationship for granted, someone else will move in and make your woman feel appreciated. Put the spark back into your relationship. It shouldn't be hard, but it will take work!