There's no great secret to getting over your ex quickly and easily. Blocking them digitally will not remove them from your thoughts. However, you can work towards coming to terms with the loss, so alleviate depression by refusing to give in to the anger and heartache. You can't start a new relationship until you get over the past. You owe it to your new partner to live and learn from previous mistakes.
What are you waiting for? Future romances await!
1. Pamper yourself.
What are some ways you wish your last significant other indulged you? Send flowers to your office. Run a candlelit bubble bath after work. Splurge on a new outfit. Do things that proactively make you feel better and inflate your confidence. Look for a partner who treats you as well as you treat yourself.
2. Listen to sad music.
Make a playlist of songs that pertain to your situation. It regulates your melancholy by connecting to someone else's. What's better than pain you can disconnect from after three to four minutes?
3. Stay busy.
Distract your mind and elevate your mood by joining a gym or taking up a new hobby. Rejuvenate your body while recharging the soul. Be adventurous, and focus on reclaiming your individuality. Oftentimes, your personality intertwine with your partner's, and you misplace yourself. Rediscover what makes you happy.
4. Cut them off.
Maybe you can be friends in the future, but you need boundaries at the beginning. Build an intentional distance between the two of you by deleting them off social media. Erase their number from your phone, so you're not tempted to call or text. Ask not to be invited to the same events immediately following the breakup. Good friends will respect the safe space you've created.
5. List his/her faults.
Keep a record of all the cons and none of the pros. Remind yourself of all the things you won't miss about your ex to counterbalance feelings of nostalgia. Humanizing your ex will remove him/her from the pedestal you placed them on during the relationship.
6. Reconnect socially.
Plan a weekend trip with friends - especially those who make you laugh a lot. Take your mom out for coffee, or meet up with a sibling for late night drinks. Surrounding yourself with loved ones will jumpstart the healing process.
7. Grieve.
Allow yourself a good, healthy cry. Understand your emotions instead of hiding them. Time dulls the pain, and it's the only guaranteed way to overcome a break-up. The human heart is resilient, and you'll be ready to start over in no time.