If you are unsure if a guy cares enough or maybe you think he doesn't care at all! Here are things to look for that will let you know if he truly cares about you or not.
He is honest with you
When you are with someone you don't want them to have to hide what they are doing from you and if he really does care about you then he will show you that you deserve respect as a partner and one with a long future.
He gives you your space
Do you really want an overly clingy guy anyway? If he respects and cares about you he knows you need time for yourself. There is a huge difference between never wanting to see you and being observant enough to know you need your time and space to deal with your life. If he cares about your needs, then he will be more than willing to allow you that space.
He does things he doesn't like to
This is big, as a man it takes a lot for me to do things I don't like. So, if you see me going out of my way or even go along with what you want to do even if I hate it then that's a big sign that he is there for the long haul.
He won't wait for you to text him
He will text you first and throughout the day and they can be totally unnecessary too like him just telling you a random fact he just learned or just "how are you doing?" This shows he truly likes you! And after you start dating and he keeps this up then you know he has potential for a long-term partner! Always watch out for when a man texts a lot in the beginning of a relationship and as soon as you commit they will lose that same energy.
He remembers the small things
Whether its something you saw at the mall you liked or if it's a special day in your life. If he proves he can consistently remember all those (or at least most of) those gifts for you then you know he truly appreciates you and listens to what you are saying even out of conversation.
He fits you into his life
For example, if he is going to go hang out with his friends and asks you to come along or if he is working a lot and is seeing his friends later he may postpone his hang out for you. No matter what it is he will fit you into his day, whether it be for dinner for hanging out, or maybe he asks you to get breakfast which means he's willing to spend the morning with you!
He is interested in your future
If a guy wants to know your life goals and aspirations that means he is totally into you and cares about what kind of person you want to become. He wants to see if you are going to be apart of his future as well as if he is going to be a part of yours. But more than anything it just shows he cares about you on a whole other level!
He can't stay mad at you
All relationships have their problems, but if I guy truly cares about you will hate fighting with you and generally will get over any kind of problems you have soon. All he wants to do is have great time with you so flaws in your relationship are workable. At the end of the day he wants the relationship to work because he cares to work through problems rather than let they fester.