The most valuable gifts come from the heart and are offered as a reflection of the care and appreciation you feel for your partner. For guys, it is easy when it comes to buying gifts for their girlfriends -- flowers, chocolate, jewelry. Women, however, have to put more thought into a buying gift for their boyfriends. A special gift makes him feel loved. For instance, a wristwatch and a box of chocolates might be better than nothing, but they are not doing much for your relationship. Instead, get him something something that will help him relax or something that he wants but would never buy himself.

Here are five great gift ideas for your boyfriend.
Love letters straight from the heart
It's really amazing how the little things matter much more in a relationship. When your partner does something small for you, it shows you how much they care. Guys will really appreciate you writing a love note or sending love texts, because it's unexpected. The digital era has changed the way we communicate -- it's much easier to type an e-mail or send a text message. However, there's something deeply charming about a handwritten letter. When you care about someone, let them know instead of keeping it bottled up inside. Even if your boyfriend knows how you feel, it's always nice to hear it.
Recently released video games
Guys love playing video games, so why not get him the most anticipated video game release of the season? This works on two fronts. For one, a two-player games offers you a fun outlet, and you can bond by playing it together. For another, every boyfriend will want to boast to their friends that his girlfriend got him the coolest present ever! Buying your boyfriend the video game all of his friends want will make you the most coveted girlfriend of the group.

Sexy smelling cologne
A lot of guys never really focus on their smell, so a good fragrance is a great gift for your boyfriend. Did you know women have a greater sense of smell than men? Finding a cologne that you like will help your boyfriend when he gets ready, because he already knows you like the scent. When you buy cologne as a gift, factor in their climate, personal style and personal needs. Is it something he can wear to work or is it more for a romantic night out?
A surprise date
Guys absolutely love receiving surprises from their girlfriends, and he'll love the way your eyes glow when you surprise him. Be spontaneous! Prove that you are thinking about him when you're not together. If your boyfriend works on the other side of town, show up at his office. Or perhaps you can blindfold him and not let know where you are going until you get to your destination.
Gift of space/time
No matter how strong and intense your relationship is, everyone needs space once in a while. Whether you are at the beginning of a relationship or have been going strong for years, you still need time to yourself. The truth is people need their space regardless of gender. If a guy wants to reconnect with his hobbies or his friends, the greatest gift that you can give your partner is time to do that. Giving your boyfriend emotional space -- whether it's a night out with friends or a solo weekend away -- he'll reconnect with himself... and miss you in the process!
Everyone loves getting gifts on their birthdays, but you know thay are coming. Guys love when a girl cares for him, and he loves it when you make him feel like you're celebrating a milestone, even if it's goofy.