You've made it to the first date. You've figured out the right words to say in an opening message, charmed each other with the back-and-forth chatting, and built up the bravado to actually ask him or her out. Kudos to you, dear reader. Now comes the next great, nerve-wracking hurdle - the first date.
This will be your first encounter in person, so no pressure. Pick out the date, time, and location - check. Shower until your skin is practically raw - check. Dress to impress - check. But there's one thing that's probably been difficult to tick off the first date checklist. It's been in the back of your mind the whole time from asking him or her out. And the concern grows with each day as you get closer to that first date - how am I going to keep the conversation going?
You've probably covered some ground during your online chatting days, which is great. There are probably some conversation points from there that you can expand upon. But there is one fundamental difference between a conversation that occurs online and one that happens in person - it needs to flow, for hours even. You can't take a few minutes to formulate your thoughts and text back. No, this person is staring at you from the other side of the table.
The next time you find yourself on a first date, breeze past the standard questions and dive into these questions that will really keep the conversation going. Not only that, but you will also make a lasting impression in your date's mind, and more likely to go out on a second date.
Here are some first date questions that are unique and intriguing enough to truly get to know someone, and have a fruitful, fluid conversation.

1. What's your favorite alcoholic beverage?
Everyone has a drink of choice. Do they prefer a mixed cocktail, an ice cold beer, or scotch on the rocks, or a nice glass of wine? You can learn a lot about a person by finding out what their drink of choice is. People have strong opinions on alcohol. Plus, you'll know what to order next time!
2. What is your spirit animal?
A question designed to really get to know your date on a deeper level. A spirit animal is an animal that you feel embodies your personality traits and quirks. If the both of you are into more geeky topics, you can adjust the question to, "what is your Patronus?" For example, if your date says their spirit animal is a dog, you can assume this person is loyal, playful, and protective. If your date says their spirit animal is a butterfly, that person is delicate, and gone through a few changes to get to where they are today. It's not an exact science, but hearing how your date describes themselves can tell you a lot about them.
3. What podcasts are you listening to?
This is a great way to get to know your date's hobbies and interests. There's hundreds of podcasts out there, each discussing a specific topic, pop-culture item, or current event. If they don't listen to any podcasts, maybe you can recommend a few based on your common interests.
4. What's in your refrigerator?
The contents of a refrigerator can say a lot about them. It can reveal a lot about their single lifestyle. Is it filled with healthy fruits and vegetables, or pre-packaged dinners and ice cream, or a bottle of tequila?
5. What actor would play you in a movie about your life?
Most people have thought about this, or at least have been told they look like a celebrity. If they really can't think of one, help them out (think carefully about your answer). Bonus conversation - make up an idea for a new movie starring both of your celebrity doppelgangers.
You don't want to turn the date into an interview, but these first date questions can help you break the ice and loosen things up. It's all about having fun and getting to know one another!