If you think people change in relationships or the love fades away after a while, you need to read this!
Every couple is different and so is their journey. It totally depends on the two of you as to how things take turn. Your relationship may get beautiful over time or both of you may drive each other crazy. You and your partner will either become inseparable or will tend to grow apart. No matter how hard you try or how easily you give up, the relationship will change.
So, now that you know that your relationship will eventually transform in the long run, what can you do? You obviously can't predict or plan these things. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be bad. There’s no reason to freak out or keep yourself away from love simply because you are uncertain of how things will turn out. If you give your best and focus on being a good partner, you will naturally embrace the ups and downs of the relationship.
Here’s what you should know about how relationships change over time so you can prepare yourself along the journey:
1. Conversations on difficult topics
When you and your partner spend a lot of time together, you both will get to know each other more than anyone else in your life. As the relationship grows, you will get more comfortable and will start opening up to one another. Eventually, you will start discussing almost everything with each other.
The more time you spend with your partner, the more confident you’ll be in sharing your secrets with them. You will never fear that they will judge you, unlike others. You will learn to trust them and will involve them in all your life altering decisions. You may even tell them what annoying habits they have without feeling awkward. This is one of the best things about being in a relationship - the feeling of not being judged and finding an unconditional support for lifetime.

2. Added responsibilities
Relationships make a person more responsible. You will tend to keep the house clean, will save money, and avoid doing things that may upset your partner. You will also take care of their needs while you are fulfilling yours. As long as you are not taking your partner for granted, you will try to change your undesirable habits, so your partner feels comfortable around you and has nothing to complain about. You even become more attentive, for example, not ordering any food item that your partner is allergic to or making sure that you answer their calls and not make them worry about your whereabouts.
3. Less spontaneity
Initially, when you enter a relationship, you dedicate some time to your partner and keep some for yourself. You may make plans without involving your partner. However, in a long-term relationship, you tend to prioritize your partner over everyone else. You want to do things as per your partner’s choice, or at least consider their choice.
You can’t make random, spontaneous plans with your friends without asking your partner. If you are dating someone who understands your need for personal space, they won’t bug you for the time you spend away from them. However, after being together for a long time, you may want to make most of your plans with your partner. A little personal space is good for every individual though.

4. Less fights but serious arguments
As you spend more and more time with each other, you will tend to fight less over trivial issues. This is because you understand each other better and are aware of things that may upset or anger your partner. However, you may still argue over other things which hold much more importance, like, managing the finances, family issues, etc.
In a long-term relationship, there are a lot of serious matters to discuss which may lead to a heated argument. You may even say things that you don’t mean but eventually you must be patient enough to hear each other out and take a mutual decision in the best interest of your relationship.
5. Special gestures become less frequent
In a relationship that’s been over several months or years, the special gestures become rare. You may not give your partner gifts or surprises regularly. You may not compliment your partner as much as you did in the beginning of the relationship. Such things can become a matter of concern and complains between a couple. However, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. It just means that your way of expressing love has changed.
Over the time, you will focus more on different aspects of the relationship. You will appreciate your partner for their support and love rather than commenting on how they look. The relationship will be much deeper and meaningful. It won’t be just about dressing up for dates or giving expensive gifts, it will be about being together through thick and thin while committing towards a happy future.

When you start a relationship with your partner, you want it to a be a long-lasting journey. However, you don’t think about the ways your equation will transform over time. Neither you can predict, nor you can plan. These things must be handled as and when they come. In such a situation, the best you can do is give your best and aim for stability.