Every relationship needs to have certain boundaries to keep the mutual respect intact. It's not about restricting two individuals; it's about enjoying each other's company without having to lose your individuality. It's a common notion that a romantic relationship is all about two bodies and one soul who share every emotion with each other. However, if you really want to be happy with your partner, you must view your relationship in the light of practicality.

Setting boundaries will help you be yourself and stay truthful towards each other. Here's how you can set boundaries with your partner to keep the relationship healthy and meaningful.
1. Understand and acknowledge each other's boundaries
It's important to understand that even in a relationship, there's things that you'll want to do separately. You should have your own friend circles as well as your own space. Getting into a relationship requires a lot of adjustments, but it doesn't mean that you lose your identity.
Not only should you acknowledge the needs of your partner but also think about things that you would want to do on your own. It's not a negative thing to keep certain aspects of life to yourself, and it doesn't make you any less romantic. It's just a practical approach to love that allows you to be yourself.
2. Express yourself out loud
If you want your partner to respect your privacy and give you space, make it clear to them. Don't hesitate to say things aloud. Don't feel like you're doing something wrong or something selfish. Every individual deserves some personal space and the liberty to live their life in their own way.
Whether it's the emotional boundaries, physical boundaries or something else, say what's on your mind and take a stand. You should be vocal about things that bother you. If your partner really understands you, they'll respect your boundaries.
3. Be strict with your boundaries
After you discuss boundaries with your partner, they might take it lightly or casually. If that's the case, don't laugh it off and take you for granted. If you ignore it once, they may form a habit.
You must be strict and strong when letting your partner know that it matters to you. If you don't take it seriously, no one else will either. Make sure that your needs and demands are heard, acknowledged, respected and abided by.
4. Trust your partner
Trust is key in setting up boundaries between two partners in a relationship. It's a two-way process that won't work unless you're both committed. If you expect your partner to respect your boundaries, you will also have to play your part with complete honesty.
Once you have shared your concerns and talked about maintaining limits in your relationship, trust each other. Practice what you preach. If you don't want your partner to sneak on your phone, you too will have to keep your hands off theirs.
5. Have an open mind
It's essential to have an open mind while dealing with boundaries in a relationship. Allow your partner to have space for themselves. Don't judge them for not wanting to do everything together all the time. You must understand that you can't always be involved with every aspect of your partner's life. Let them enjoy certain things on their own and focus on your own world for a while.
6. Discuss it as many times as needed
Don't hesitate to revisit discussions -- no matter how many times you need to. Make it a habit to talk about everything that you consider worthy enough to be discussed. The more you run away from these conversations, the harder it'll be for you to improve the relationship down the line.