When you meet someone, whether in a professional situation or on a date, we all go through the process where we think about we did and how it went, leading us to an even more stressful state of mind; waiting for the follow up text the next day, so that we can lead our life, respectively. There can be two versions of the messages from the other person: You could either receive that text solidifying the fact that they had a nice time with you and would like to do it again, or you could receive nothing, leaving you upset and embarrassed that they didn't have as good a time as you did. Let's be honest, no one, unless they had a miserable time themselves, would want to be in the second category. Unfortunately, many of us don't even know where to start when it comes to making a great first impression.
To make your first impression a memorable one, you have to either be naturally charming, or prepared enough so you come off as charming. We are prepared to offer you some insightful pointers to making your first impression a memorable one. Ladies and gentlemen, take out your notepads, you're going to want to remember these:
Listen - This is a problem many of us have, where we don't have the ability to listen to what other people have to say, whether we zone out or just talk over them, listening is key to making a good first impression. Not listening can create a lot of issues, and you might as well end the date early if you aren't going to pay attention to a word they say. There's nothing more annoying than someone who's not paying attention and quite honestly, you'll kiss your shot at love goodbye if you let things go in one ear, and out the other. It can turn into a horribly embarrassing situation, where you ask about things, which have already been answered previously and can leave them with a bad impression of you. Listening is a good habit to get into, and when you do this, new conversations will emerge from the old ones in no time at all. A date will never experience phases of awkward silences If you are both listening and sharing.
Pamper yourself - In order to ace your first impression, it's important that you look good and smell good; seriously when meeting someone for the first time, those are the first physical aspects that are noticed. If you smell good and are well groomed, your date will want to be around you. There are ways, which you can apply to yourself, and hack yourself into the best tracks to setting a good impression, in front of the other person.
Confidence - The best advice anyone can give you is to be yourself and be confident; the majority of people find it to be very attractive, when the other person is being themselves around you. Coming off as confident, will allow your date to open up to you at a faster pace. Keep in mind there is a fine line between confident and cocky; we CANNOT stress that enough. If you are cocky, no one is going to want to talk to you, but if you are confident, it'll show that you are comfortable, making it easier for your date to warm up to you. The little things you do during your first date can actually make or break your shot.
Your level of confidence shares and decides, if you get to date that person or not. Because, if you stop yourself from doing anything and that person gets the similar vibes, then that date is going to run for a very short period of time. And, you are the only, who is going to feel guilty, if that happens.
Eye Contact - Never ever let your eyes wander when your date is staring at you, you don't have to stare into their soul, but when someone is talking to you, it is a good rule of thumb to look at them, even if you aren't listening (which you should be) it gives the illusion that you are paying attention to what they say. When you make good eye contact with your date, you're connecting with them; you don't have to speak in order to have a connection with someone, eye contact says a lot about you. That level of confidence combined with a smirk makes shows your date, that you're interested in them and what they have to say.
Ditch the phone - Do you open up your phone, when you get into the real world and ditch the social world, you start to really experience the world and start to experience how the interesting person you're sitting across from is. Whether you're on a date with someone you've known your whole life, or someone you've just met, do not take your phone out. It is not just a bad manner, but also takes your attention from your date. Doing this gives your date the impression that you'd rather be anywhere but on that date.
Really Get to know them - You're not required to stay on one subject the entire time, and you definitely shouldn't just talk about yourself; the date and conversation happen between two people. When you begin to have deeper conversations and really try to get into the different levels of that person's brains, even they take interest and participate in the conversation. There are stories to tell and experiences to share, so what is stopping you from that? Explore the diversified person, who is willing to take interest in your life.
We encourage you to use these tips to your advantage and we guarantee you'll have a better outcome on your date These will not only help you, in the dating phase, but also in other aspects of your life.