Dating Tips > Casual > 6 Awkward Conversations You Need to Have for a Successful Relationship

6 Awkward Conversations You Need to Have for a Successful Relationship

Most couples avoid awkward conversations, because they're uncomfortable to be involved in. But in order to prevent your relationship from becoming superficial, you must spend time talking about these difficult things with your partner. Why are awkward conversations necessary for a successful relationship? If you talk about those things that feel too sensitive to discuss, it will clear any confusion and deepen your bond. Communicating is what makes a relationship run smoothly.

Awkward Conversations for a Successful Relationship

Here are some awkward conversations to have with your partner to keep your relationship strong.

1. Marriage

Not all couples are open to the idea of marriage. If you and your partner have never discussed it before, it's time to plan the proposal. This can be the scariest part of the whole endeavor, especially if you have no idea about how they'll react. Take a breath and savor this moment. Have a deep discussion with your partner and understand what they are feeling.  

2. Greatest fears

Not everyone is comfortable talking about their deepest fears. But if you can't express what worries you, how will the other person know? This conversation can be extremely clumsy, but you'll be glad you brought it up. Understanding what your significant other fears in life will bring you much closer to them. Maybe you'll find out you fear the same thing!

3. Feelings for someone else

One of the hardest things you can tell your partner is that you've developed feelings for someone else. These romantic emotions will bring tremendous feelings of guilt, and the only way to relieve that is through admitting to them. Don't let the fear of losing someone keep you from being honest. They deserve it.

See also: Can You Love More Than One Person?

4. Past relationships

It's not important to discuss every person you've dated -- especially at the beginning of a relationship. But your partner should know about the ones who mattered to you and the relationships that lasted for several years. It's not necessary to recap the past until you're in a significant stage in your relationship. This is a way for you each to figure out why your past relationships didn't work out and to learn from those mistakes.

5. Finances

Money plays a big part in any long-term relationship. Hiding financial issues is as bad as infidelity. Discuss finances with your partner right away and plan together to save or invest. Monetary satisfaction can be achieved only if both partners are involved. 

6. Children

For many couples, broaching the topic of having kids can feel downright scary. It is, however, a necessary discussion to have if you're serious about the future. This can make or break a relationship. If kids aren't in the cards for you, you need to be open about this right off the bat. And if they are, tell your partner when you'd like to make it all happen.

Have we forgotten anything? What would you add to this list? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Contributor, June 4, 2019

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