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6 Things You Learn About Yourself While Dating Someone New

Relationships teach us a lot about ourselves, and new people will elicit new reactions and feelings. Continue reading for all the things you'll discover about yourself while dating someone new.
How to Learn About Yourself

1. You learn your own language of love

The language of love is not like other languages. It goes beyond speaking the same tongue. It's connecting silently and without speech, through little actions that mean more than what they appear to be on the outside.

What does love look like to you? Some of us may think we know what the embodiment of love looks like, but you'll only learn once in a relationship. There are many different ways we interpret love, from understanding our partner to seeing the affection in a quick glance. 

2. You'll learn to forgive quickly and truly

Every relationship experiences misunderstandings from time to time. Whenever you have an argument, learn from it. Does part of your relationship frustrate or worry you? If you feel like the argument was not your fault, try to see it from your partner's point-of-view. Also, apologize to your partner if you escalate the rift. Once you learn from a fight, you can use it to avoid future misunderstandings.

Remember, never hold anything against your partner, because resentment builds. Forgive your partner truly and let it go.

3. You'll learn about yourself

In a good relationship, partners support each other. You have one life to live, and you should explore it to the fullest.

Who are you deep down? Dating gives you important insight into yourself -- your values, your strengths, your weakness. It provides you with opportunities to develop your hobbies, interests and passions. A great partner will push you to achieve more and fulfill your goals.

4. You'll learn how to hone your values

The most important values in your life are about to glow a little brighter when you date someone. Spending extended periods of time with someone forces you to examine what's really important to you. What are you willing to give up? If you like the person, chances are you're willing to give up much more in order to spend time with them.

It's also important to recognize the things and elements that were present in your single life that you're not willing to give up while dating. Either they are more important to you than your partner, or you have something to work through.

5. You'll learn to make your own decisions

Although dating in the twenties is fun, it also shows you how to think and handle relationships. You should make decisions that benefit both partners, not just what will make one person happy. For instance, don't go to an ice cream parlor together if your date is allergic to dairy products. When you have dissimilarities, practice problem-solving. Maturity means compromising.

6. You'll learn to choose your ideal partner 

As you date different people with different personalities, you can begin to make a list of characteristics that you want in a partner. What personality traits are make-or-break for you?

You may appreciate the freedom you have in communicating openly with a partner but sometimes find them overly controlling and too demanding. As you mature, dating will become less about having fun and more about making a long-lasting connection with someone special. 

Commit to learning from each dating experience. Tell us in the comment something you have learned from dating someone new!

Contributor, March 8, 2019

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