Dating Tips > Casual > "I'm Too Busy" and Other Excuses You Use When You Aren't Interested

"I'm Too Busy" and Other Excuses You Use When You Aren't Interested

You've met someone new -- either on, through mutual friends or at work. They seem like they're interested in you, but you're not feeling it. What excuses do you make when you are not interested? What's the best way to let them know?

Excuses When You Are Not Interested

It's always best to be open and direct. Politely let them know that you're not interested in getting into a relationship.

Straight-to-the-point excuses when you aren't interested

  • It was a nice meeting with you, but I feel that we are too different to work as a couple.
  • We are good friends, and I don't want to ruin that.
  • I don't have time for a relationship right now.
  • I have some personal issues that I need to deal with.
  • I'm focusing on my career.
  • I like spending time with you, but I don't want anything further.

If they argue, stick to your guns. It is not a decision should be debated. Don't feel obligated to explain why you aren't interested. There is no rule that says that if you reject someone, you have to provide them with constructive feedback. 

Little white lie excuses when you aren't interested

You can also make an excuse if you want to politely turn down their invitations. Be pleasant when you see them, but don't foster the impression you want to hang out beyond whatever relationship you currently have. When you say you're busy, don't toss in, "Maybe another time!" Don't make any move to suggest an alternative day or activity. And definitely, don't initiate any get-togethers yourself. You don't want to lead this person on.

  • Sorry, I'm just too busy.
  • I'm already dating someone.
  • I'm hanging out with my friends that night.
  • I work evenings.
  • I've got school projects I haven't finished.
  • I've got other plans this weekend.

If they ask if a different time would work better, tell them your schedule doesn't really have any room in the near future. Being indirect is an easy way to let the other person know you're not interested without hurting them. This kind of excuse-making approach is the better option when you don't know how the other person handles rejection.

See also: 6 Times When It's Okay to Ghost Someone

Making excuses may be dishonest but spares you the awkwardness of the situation. Using excuses can make you feel a bit evasive, but that's preferable to dealing with the aftermath of shooting someone down completely. It can also be argued that excuses are more mature, because you are prioritizing the other person's feelings.

What are some excuses you use when you aren't interested? Share them in the comments below!

Contributor, April 23, 2019

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