No matter how long you have been with your partner, you probably have asked yourself if they are "the one" for you. If that's what you're looking for, how can you tell if your partner is the person you want to be with for the rest of your life? Here are eight ways to figure out if your partner is "the one" or not.
1. Do they love talking about the past?
Does your partner often starts conversations with, "Remember the time we...?" This means memories the two of you share are some of their favorites to look back on. As long as they still make an effort to stay in the present with you, taking a walk down memory lane is never a bad thing.
2. Do they boost your self-esteem?
Someone who makes you feel secure in your relationship can make you feel better about yourself as well. When your partner is serious, they'll constantly want to give you compliments and support your self-esteem. For instance, if you get a promotion at work or even just win concert tickets, your partner can't resist telling everyone you hang out with before you even to think to mention it. They can't help it -- they are proud of you!
3. Are they still learning more about you?
This is one of the best signs that your partner is "the one." When you've been with someone for a number of years, it can get harder to talk about personal matters. However, when your partner is in love with you, they'll always want to keep learning. They make you feel comfortable to talk about anything. It's important to communicate your innermost thoughts to better understand each other.
4. Will they always respect your point of view?
If your current partner can possess entirely different views from you and still manage to embrace your ideas, they are "the one." This ability to understand and accept each other's views means the two of you have an unbreakable connection. The key is not what your beliefs are but how open you are accepting your partner's perspective as valid.
5. Are they quick to end an argument?
While it might not always benefit your relationship, your partner's tendency to let you win fights points to the fact that they don't want to see you upset or risk getting into something that could put the relationship in harm.
6. Is loving you part of their daily routine?
Is your partner is blindly in love with you? Do you find them daily showing you extra love? For example, they buy a gift for you, call or text you non-stop, share food with you or post about you on social media. They want to shower you with love and affection, because you are always the first thing on their mind.
7. Will they share their food with you?
When your partner shares their food with you, both in private and in public, it's a sure sign they're "the one" you're looking for. A recent study found that swapping food releases the bonding hormone oxytocin. That means when your partner shares food with you, they are not only invested in the relationship but yearn to make it even stronger. If the next time they offer you something, take it. It could greatly benefit your relationship.
8. Are they great listeners?
If your partner truly wants to stay with you forever, they value the time you spend together. When you tell them something that bothered you, they listen and make an effort to be better. This doesn't mean they are good listeners for everyone, but they make an exception for you.
9. Do they prioritize the relationship?
If you ask your partner to come to an event that's important to you, they're not afraid to step out of the office to come. They'll figure out a way to get their work done, just as you would do for them. Also, they'll plan activities that you'll enjoy. If they double book, they find a way to support you. They put the relationship above all other things, because they know love takes work.
Have we forgotten any other signs that your partner is "the one" above all others? Tell us in the comments below!