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Nothing Worth It Comes Easy

The most worthwhile things are not easy. But you should never give up

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. - Vince Lombardi

never give up

Everyone wants some form of success in their lives whether it be love, relationship, career, job, or money. Success will come to you if you believe, but if it's truly worth it, it may not come easy which means, you have to have the courage to step outside your comfort zone in order to achieve big things in your life.

No success comes without struggle

Many successful people have been saying it in different ways that as the gold gets a better sheen and shine after going through the test of fire, so does the person who needs to go through the struggle cycle to achieve the goal in his life.

Nothing worth it comes easy

In other words, the fruits of success become sweeter when it is achieved through many struggles. Amos Bronson Alcott puts it in this way, "Success is sweet and sweeter if long delayed and gotten through many struggles and defeats." It means that struggle exposes us to numerous difficulties which eventually brings progress and make us ready to achieve our goals. So do not give up. Keep hoping and work hard till you get what you want.

There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going

We’ve all heard stories of the overnight rise to fame. But the truth is, that instant success is only achieved by the years of hard work and struggle. So, if you want to achieve anything in your life, give your maximum but, don’t expect things to happen overnight. Have patience and focus on your goals. Until then, enjoy the little things because something to be big first have to be small, right? So live and enjoy every moment like it’s last.

Hard work is the real key to success

There is only one thing you can"t go without to get succeed, is hard work. Colin Powell once said that 'A dream doesn’t become reality through wishing. It takes sweat, determination and hard work'. It is true that success comes with hard work and determination.

There are no shortcuts to success

The harder you work on your dream, the more confident you become. When you start believing in yourself, you don’t need support from others to ensure that you’ll succeed. So, to make your dream a reality, you should be diligent, confident and hardworking. Keep in mind that problems will come your way, but you should focus on the work so that you can achieve anything you want.

Train yourself to be more positive

Things can change any time in life. Although you do work hard, the opportunities will only come for you at the right time. Until then, be positive and accept what has happened to you and learn from it. By being optimistic, you will get some energy to fight back. It will give you that positive push to kick-start your journey.

Remember, good things take time

Do you know that the best things, the things that matter most, are the most difficult things?
If you really want a successful life, then you need to work hard over a long period of time. You need to change your attitude and keep learning. Improvement is your friend. It will help you get better to achieve your goals.

believe in yourself

Those who aim for their goals need to be reminded that, Good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up.” So never give up on your goals no matter whatever the situation is. When you feel like giving up, just think about your goals and the hard work you have done. This can make all the good things happen.

Never give up without a fight

If you have failed in one area, or even several. You should not quit on your life and on your goals. Because failure can be part of the long road to success where you gain experience and that can help you to do better next time. A good way to deal with failure is to ask yourself some questions.

Following are some questions you need to ask yourself when you seem to fail:

  • Why am I failing? Are my expectations or goals realistic?
  • What can I learn from this?
  • What could I have done differently?
  • When things don’t go my way, do I start complaining?
  • How can I apply this information to my future opportunities?

Each of these questions brings you positive feelings and emotions and also helps you understand yourself, those around you and society’s expectations. So when you’re failed at something, don’t feel bad. Instead, ask yourself why you do these things so you can start turning your failure into success.

Always give your best in everything!

Always give your best without worrying about the result. You don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. So, live every moment of your life to its fullest. And don’t look back and don’t count on the mistakes you’ve made in the past. Because some things you don’t want to happen may happen and they happen for a reason. One day you will get an explanation. Till then you have to be patient and remember that nothing worth comes easy!

Contributor, October 8, 2020

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