Finding true love is one of the greatest experiences in the world. Lucky are those who get to spend their entire life with their soulmate. However, there's something even better than love; it is self love. Because your first relationship is with yourself. Everyone else comes after.
Before you seek love and respect from another person, make sure that you are doing the same with yourself. Rather than demanding happiness from another individual, do things that make you happy. There’s no reason to wait for your knight in shining armor because you are not a damsel in distress. You can be your own savior.
Here are some handpicked quotes on self love that will help you discover the beauty of self-worth and will inspire you to live life your way.
"Your mistakes do not define you."

It's okay to make mistakes and take bad decisions but the problem starts when you start punishing yourself for doing something wrong. Don't let your mistakes define you and undermine your self-confidence. Consider them as your lessons so you know what not to do in future. A single wrongdoing will not make you a bad person. The important thing is to acknowledge that you made a mistake and apologize. Also, forgive yourself and try to move on. If you are willing to make up for what you did, everything will be alright.
“Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and twice as beautiful as you've ever imagined.” - Dr. Seuss

Don't underestimate yourself. You are much more than what you think of yourself. Trust your guts and have faith in your caliber. You deserve all the good things in the world. You are beautiful, smart, strong, and brave. You can do wonders in life. Whenever you have a doubt on your capabilities, remember your achievements and accolades from the past. Recall the moments when you felt the happiest and know that nobody can take that away from you.
“The moments when it's hardest to love yourself are the moments you need to the most.”

Often when loving yourself becomes the most difficult thing to do, you need it even more. This is because self-doubt and self-loathing are very harmful for the mind. At times, one bad decision can make you question your entire life, or even your existence. But it’s easy to act like a victim than to make things right. You need courage and conviction to tell yourself that things will be alright. You may want to give up on yourself, but you must give yourself a second chance. It’s tough but also extremely crucial. If you don’t forgive yourself, there’s no point seeking forgiveness from others.
“Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit.” - Ralph Marston

Working hard is good but you also need to relax yourself occasionally. Whenever you feel overwhelmed with all that’s going on in your life, take a break. Don’t be too hard on yourself and don’t push yourself too much. Know when to pause and appreciate what you have. Your body and mind deserve some rest. When you love yourself, you understand the importance of treating yourself the right way.
“Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions.”

Stay away from negative people and surround yourself with positive people. Because positive people are genuine and always care about you while the negative people constantly make you feel inferior and unworthy. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve something. Listen to your inner voice and have faith. There’s no need to rely on others’ perception of you. Filter out all the toxic people from your life and be with those who support you without any judgement.
“It is perfectly ok to admit you're not ok.”

No one can be perfectly happy all the time. Sometimes it is okay to break down and cry. It's okay to admit to yourself and the world that you're not okay. It doesn't make you weak. Instead, it makes you strong by exposing your vulnerability. So, don't be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings. It’s only human to express distress and despair. You don’t need to pretend that you are tough by forcing a smile on your face. Be honest and reward yourself for whatever you manage to achieve, without any hesitation.
"Break the rules, stand apart, ignore your head, follow your heart."

If you want your life to be exciting and fun, you will have to break the rules. Stand apart from the crowd and follow what your heart says. Don't pay attention to the negative and insecure thoughts in your head. Embrace your uniqueness. Instead of following others, you can create your own path and lead others. You must have faith in your abilities. Be the game changer and show the world what you can do. You can be the hero this world needs.
“Be yourself and quit trying to be everyone else.”

You don't have to pretend to be someone you are not in order to impress someone. Just be yourself. It will be good to know who's down with that. When you try to act like someone else, in a way, you are demeaning your own personality. You shouldn’t be ashamed of who you are. Accept yourself and be proud of your accomplishments. Get inspired by others but don’t copy them. You have your own journey, don’t compare it with that of others. There’s no one else like you and you should be happy about it.
“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” - Marilyn Monroe

It takes courage to own up to your mistakes and ask for forgiveness. Nobody is perfect. You are bound to make some wrong decisions at some point in life. But the most important thing is to acknowledge your mistake. When it comes to relationships, find someone who knows your best and worst sides. If the other person fails to handle you at your worst times, they don’t deserve your company in your good times. Don’t let people take advantage of your situation.
“Don't let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big.”

People with small minds often can’t see others succeed. Don't let them stop you from dreaming big. Leave them behind because they don't care about your happiness and dreams. Just because the world has been doing something a particular way doesn’t mean that your ideas are trash. You can write your own destiny and show the world what you are capable of. Stay with the people that inspire you to be a better person in your life. This will help you become stronger and happier.
“Forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate!” - Sandra J. Dykes

Love is painful; it can hurt you and make you feel lonely. But it doesn’t mean the end of the world. So, forget about falling in love and go for chocolates instead. Sometimes, it’s better to do things that make us happy and be a little selfish. You don’t need a partner to gift you chocolates. You can enjoy as many chocolates as you want on your own. It’s okay to be alone for a while and enjoy the perks of being single.
“You have the power to feel any way you choose. So choose to feel wonderful.”

It is a wonderful thing to know that at any moment you have the freedom, the ability and the power to choose anything that you want to feel. So, whenever you feel upset or down, just remember that your happiness lies in your hands. Your decisions have the power to lift your mood and find your peace of mind. Life will always test you, it’s your choice whether you live such moments with a big smile or with a grumpy face.
“Sometimes I pretend to be normal, but it gets boring. So I go back to being me.”

Being normal is boring. Being crazy and unique is fun. If you try to become normal like everyone else, you may succeed in making others like you, but you will lose yourself. So, when someone asks you to behave a certain way, tell them that you love being who you are and embrace your uniqueness. Nobody can make you become a person that you are not. And even if you try, you won’t enjoy for long because you’ll miss yourself.
"I'm just human. I have weakness, I make mistakes, and I experience sadness. But I learn from all these things to make me a better person."

Whenever you feel upset because of your own decisions, tell yourself that things will get alright. It’s okay to do stupid things sometimes. Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Realize that it’s only human to mess up. You don’t need to be perfect. Embrace your imperfections and forgive yourself. It’s the best way to move on in life. The more you think about the past, the more it will haunt you. So, let things be and keep calm. Eventually, you will learn to avoid such issues and grow mature with your experiences.