Do you ever look at your boyfriend and wonder if he's satisfied with the relationship? Guys want to spend their time with a lovely lady who is willing to be impetuous and spontaneous. Guys also want attention but don't always know how to ask for it. Here are some little things that every guy wishes his girl would do.

Show some PDA
Guys like public displays of affection just like girls do. We're talking small public displays of intimacy here -- nothing excessive. Obviously, be aware of the context and culture you're in to figure out which displays are appropriate.
- Physical: Physical affection includes holding hands, cuddling, massages, caressing, hugging and short kisses on the mouth or face. These behaviors arouse romantic feelings in the other person through touch.
- Emotional: You can also display your affection in a public forum, meaning in front of his friends or on social media. This could be calling him your boyfriend when hanging out or telling him that you love him on Facebook.
Make him laugh
According to a recent survey, many men think the sexiest characteristic a woman can have is the ability to make him laugh. If you're not funny, there's not hurt in trying to make your guy giggle. You never know what he'll find funny unless you try. If you are very proper, make him perk up in disbelief with a dirty joke. Take some funny lessons from friends if you need to. Be silly and have fun!
Hold him tight
How do you feel when you both are on the couch, and he wraps his arms around you? Warm and safe, right? Let him experience that feeling, too. He enjoys it more than you think. Give him a huge hug and make him feel secure. Let him lean against you and play with his hair. Becoming the big spoon for a night could be just the thing he needs.
Little things like this can change someone's entire mood. A partner is a support system, so be the support he needs and give him cuddles.
Pig out with him
Have you ever been on a dinner date and willingly ordered a salad? While you order a tiny entree, he orders a steak with a baked potato. You may be trying to watch your figure or just wanting to eat healthy, but some guys love a girl who can tear up a buffet. Don't let him go to town by himself. Allow yourself at least one cheat meal, so you can fun together. It will also show him that you are completely comfortable around him.
Wear less makeup
Many guys like the natural look and would like to look at "the real you" for a bit. Are you the kind of girl who never leaves the house without concealor? If you allow yourself to let him see another side of you, it's another way to show him that you're comfortable around him.
Less makeup could even be a turn on for him, so wipe the products off your face and see what happens. An added bonus is that, when you lay your naked cheek onto his, you won't have to worry about leaving a smudge of foundation on his face. Give him the part of you that most of the world doesn't see. Don't forget -- hearing that you look beautiful with no makeup feels wonderful!
Take him shopping
Shopping is a lady's most favorite thing to do. If your guy has taken you shopping before, he spent a lot of time just following you around and holding your bags. Have you ever asked where he wants to go? Maybe he needs some help picking out clothing. Maybe check out sporting goods stores or hang out in the food court. Show that you appreciate him. At the end of the day, that's all a man really wants to feel.
Guys! Tell us in the comments below what you wish your girlfriend would do.