We all know that Valentine's Day 2021 is just a few weeks ahead and many of us have even started planning for the celebration. This special occasion which is known to be the day of love is also popular among friends nowadays. Whether it’s a group of gal pals or committed lovers, everyone loves celebrating Valentine’s Day every year.
There is an exchange of gifts, chocolates, roses, teddy, and so on. People also buy greetings and bouquets for their loved ones to shower love on each other. While some have plans to enjoy Valentine’s Day at home, some choose to go out and express their feelings towards their partners. It’s the most romantic day of the year.
Although most of us know so much about Valentine’s Day and how it’s celebrated, many people are unaware of its history and origin. So, before you search for some gift ideas and celebration plans for your partner, make sure to enhance your knowledge and understand its significance.
Valentine’s Day Significance
Valentine’s Day aka St Valentine’s Day is observed every year on 14th February. On this day, people exchange gifts and confess their love towards near and dear ones. It’s popularly celebrated in the US along with Canada, Britain, Australia, Argentina, France, South Korea, and Mexico. In the Philippines, Valentine’s Day is the most common wedding anniversary. However, at present, this occasion has become common in most parts of the world including Asian countries like India.
Origin of Valentine’s Day

As the name suggests, it originates from the name of St Valentine. However, in history, there have been various men named Valentine and hence the exact origin is unclear. There are multiple stories as to which St Valentine was responsible for marking Valentine’s Day tradition.
Some believe that the Catholic Church established this day in the memory of Christian martyrs named Valentine or Valentinus. Another theory suggests that the name comes from a priest named St Valentine belonging to Rome in the 3rd Century AD. When Emperor Claudius II banned marriages arguing that married men make bad soldiers, St Valentine started arranging the weddings in secrecy.
Upon the revelation of truth, St was thrown into prison and was executed on 14th April, 269 AD. While Valentine was alive, he even wrote a love letter addressed to the woman he loved and signed it as "From your Valentine". This has been considered as history’s first Valentine's Day card.
History of Valentine’s Day
In the fourth century, a festival named Lupercalia was celebrated in ancient Rome on February 15th. On this occasion, the Roman priests used to sacrifice an animal, typically a goat. Later, the names of the single women were placed in a large urn and were drawn by eligible bachelors. Based on this, the men and women decided to get married to each other.
Two centuries after the execution of Saint Valentine, Pope Gelasius decided to outlaw the festival of Lupercalia and merged the two occasions to mark St Valentine’s Day on 14th February. People associated the marriage rituals of Ancient Rome with Valentine’s Day and that’s how the day turned into a romantic occasion. However, people didn’t use cards and flowers to mark the day until after 1,000 years.
Why do we celebrate Valentine’s Day?

As per the research done by the late Jack B. Oruch, English Professor at the University of Kansas, it was the poet Geoffery Chaucer who is credited to link Valentine’s Day with love for the first time in the 14th Century. Besides, Shakespeare, the greatest English writer, also played a major role in associating and popularizing Valentine's Day tradition through his work. Soon, people started exchanging love letters and by the early 1910s, an American company, which is now known as Hallmark, started the practice of distributing Valentine’s Day cards, followed by flowers, candy, jewelry, and other items.
Modern Valentine’s Day Practices
We have come a long way on the path of celebrating love. It’s not just limited to couples, even friends, families, and pets have also started enjoying the occasion. Unlike the old days, dating and relationships are not restricted to personal matters anymore. People have started embracing their choices and are not hesitant to express their love.
Not only the mediums have changed, but the passion and intensity have also grown manifold. In fact, it’s no more a single day occasion; we celebrate Valentine’s Day for the entire week including the following:
- 7th Feb: Rose Day
- 8th Feb: Propose Day
- 9th Feb: Chocolate Day
- 10th Feb: Teddy Day
- 11th Feb: Promise Day
- 12th Feb: Kiss Day
- 13th Feb: Hug Day
- 14th Feb: Valentine’s Day

Although the art of writing love letters is no longer preferred owing to the availability of digital platforms, people have found new ways to express their feelings and emotions. The Valentine’s Day celebrations include dinners at fancy restaurants, exchange of expensive gifts, love proposals, and public events. Besides, even if you are away from your partner, you can celebrate the day with them virtually by sending gifts online or making a video call.
Whether it’s the old era or the modern days, no matter how advanced we have become, love will always be a big part of humans’ lives. From handwritten letters to digital messages, the sole objective is to spread love and celebrate togetherness.