There is much money left after paying off debts, loans and bills. When in a relationship, how do you decide what is worth spending money on? While a well-thought out gift shows attention to detail, but the gifts we get our significant other don't always hit the mark. It's in these situations when it's better to spend money on experiences. That way your money will be spent making memories instead of on material goods.

Gratification over material items quickly fades
Don't keep raising the bar. New purchases lead to new expectations and the happiness over material items quickly fades. As soon as we get used to a new possession, we look for an even better one.
Experiences define your purpose and passions
While gifts often express a greater meaning, sharing experiences as a couple helps increase your bond and puts passion in a relationship.
Moments are more memorable
Material gifts can get lost, broken, or stolen. Spend money on experiences that will become lasting memories.
In the comments, tell us about an experience you had with your love that was worth every penny!