Have you ever gotten tired of your jeans? Over time, jeans look the same. You may even notice you bought two in very similar colors and feel like you wasted a bunch of money. Don't throw the jeans out just yet; there are things you can do with them to make them feel new.
Jeans can offer so much, so don't limit your style to what everyone else is wearing. Here are six ways to easily transform your old jeans.
1. Cutting
Yes, you read correctly. Cut them. People pay premium prices for jeans that already have holes in them. With a simple search on YouTube, you can find hundreds of tutorials to spice up your jeans and give them a brand-new look. There are different ways to cut them, so look for the style you want.
If you are looking for that worn in, tattered look, use a nail file to achieve patches of thin fabric that will fray as you wear them.
2. Acid washing
This might be a little bit more on the dangerous side, so use protective gloves and exercise caution. Acid washing will give old, dark jeans new life and a completely new look.

3. Sewing patches
For a fun crafting project, head on over to your local fabric shop to get the supplies to sew cool designs and patterns right onto the pockets and legs of old jeans. The colors and designs will give you a lot of new outfit pairing options that you would never have considered before.
Patches can have a significant meaning for you -- such as your favorite quotes or bands -- and are another way for you to express yourself.
4. Making them into shorts
If summer is rolling around, and you have jeans you want to get better use of, cut them into jean shorts. You should, of course, be mindful of the length and fit. For men, you may want to leave it a little longer, while some girls may cut a little higher. This is a perfect way to save money. Don't pay for something you can easily make yourself.

5. Fraying
Fray the edges of your jeans by removing the bottom hem. Fraying allows the fabric and threads of the bottom of your jeans, by your ankles, to be exposed. This gives it a little bit of flare at the bottom and helps change the look in a subtle, yet fashionable way.
6. Using hand-me-downs as boyfriend jeans
If your friends or significant other gives you jeans that don't quite fit your form, turn them into boyfriend jeans. Boyfriend style is comfortable, loose-fitting jeans that sit on your hips instead of your waist. You can cut holes, distress and roll up the bottoms to make a relaxed yet stylish outfit.

Have you transformed your old, worn jeans into a fashion statement? Let us know in the comments!