When you break up with your partner it's only natural to be upset. This is someone you shared a large portion of your life with so when they are suddenly removed from your life whether it was your own decision or not, it can leave a hole in your daily life and it causes you to miss a lot of what you had before. But you can't stay the same forever! Take our advice, here are 8 ways you can revamp yourself after a break up.

Get a haircut
Sometimes you just need to look at yourself in the mirror and say “hey, I look pretty good right now!” Cutting your hair is a great way to give yourself a new outlook on yourself and life. It can boost your confidence and jump start a new look for yourself all at the same time.
Help someone out
When you are feeling at your worst, sometimes it's best to redirect your attention from yourself, to a friend or something else entirely. Ask someone how they are doing or if they are having a hard time with anything and if they are, trying to help them out. Now don't go over board but just enough to distract you from your thoughts and at the end of the day helping people out makes you feel good!
Reading different books is a great way for you to learn something new and keep your mind off your ex or sadness in general. It can be any kind of book too. Reading is a great way to stimulate your mind!
Change your style
It might surprise you, but your style can change your outlook on life! Now is a good time to flaunt what you got and show the world who you can really be!
Change living space!
You shared most of the things in your apartment or house with your partner so now is the time to revamp your living space! Change the sheets! Buy new carpets, slap on a new coat of paint in your room, buy some new posters, your sanctuary is all yours now and you need to imprint your new life on it!
Another thing that's great for both your physical and mental health is exercise. Try starting your day off with a run or a trip to the gym. It'll will keep your energy levels up and help you keep a positive outlook on your life.
Listen to new music
Your taste in music may have blended with your partners, so now's a good time to start branching out, listen to something you never thought you'd listen to in your entire life! Music can be a great pick me up when you are feeling down!