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9 Most Common Lies Men Tell in Relationships

Everyone lies in their relationship - either to keep arguments from happening, to save themselves from looking bad, or even to save their relationship. There are different degrees of lying, and men have a ton of lies that they commonly use. Here is a list of 9 lies to look out for when dating!

  1. I will never cheat again!
  2. Everyone wants to believe their boyfriend will never cheat again, but if he cheated once he will probably cheat again. Cheating becomes a habit, one that is difficult to break. If you find out your boyfriend cheated on you, that is a clear sign to move on. He clearly does not respect you or the relationship you are in.
  3. Yes, I was listening.
  4. This isn't as serious as cheating, but it can be quite frustrating. When you have been talking to your man and it seems like he is losing focus, don't be fooled when he tells you that he's been listening. This isn't neccessarily a deal breaker in a relationship, but it deserves a conversation to address the problem.
  5. You look great, now let's go.
  6. You want to look your best for a party you're headed to. You know that perfection takes time, but your man is more concerned about showing up late than anything else. At this point it doesn't matter what you look like, as long as it speeds up the process of getting out of the house. This is more so a white lie than anything, because he probably thinks you look great no matter what.
  7. I would never lie to you.
  8. This one might be the granddaddy of all lies as it's literally lying about lying. Of course he is going to lie. Everyone lies about something in their relationships. It might be something miniscule, or it might be relationship-ending, but if a guy tells you that he would never lie to you, he is probably hiding something bigger, so be on the lookout.
  9. We are just friends.
  10. I have known her for years."This is a classic case of a guy trying to throw you off the cheating scent. If a woman is texting your boyfriend constantly, and he is prioritizing her messages over yours, then that might be a problem. This is something you need to get to the bottom of before it's too late.
  11. I didn't answer your call because I was asleep.
  12. This could mean a lot of things, but the one thing it always means is that he did not want to talk to you. Chances are he wasn't asleep. Granted, the chances of him using this excuse while cheating on you are low, but it does raise the question - why doesn't he want to talk?
  13. I'm sorry.
  14. The absolute most common lie that men tell women. Whenever they mess up or do something bad, they will just say I am sorry, and hope they are forgiven. The problem is, most of the time men are not sorry - they are just sorry they got caught.
  15. I didn't have my phone on me.
  16. A similar lie to I didn't answer your call I was asleep. Usually, this doesn't mean they are cheating, but it does indicate that there may be some underlying issues that need to be brought to light.
  17. It is just hard to plan things right now.
  18. This just means he doesn't want to make plans. It can be a small problem if it's just a weekend plan, but if it is for long-term goals or plans, then there is a deeper problem. The only way to solve that is through communication. You will need to address why he doesn't want to commit to any future plans with you.

Michael Meerovich, May 23, 2018

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