Dating Tips > Culture > What Is the Language of Love?

What Is the Language of Love?

Learning a new language on your own is something many people aspire to do, but what happens when you meet someone you like who speaks another language? The South Asian region is rich with culture, traditions, and lots of different languages. The mother tongue plays a huge role in someone's personal identity. In India itself, there are 22 major languages with various dialects -- Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi, Telugu, and Tamil. Although the national language of Bangladesh seems obvious (Bengali), there are actually four different dialects which sound surprisingly unlike one another.

Now it seems like the odds of you finding a partner who speaks a different first or second language is pretty high, right?

In the United States alone, 21 percent of the population speaks another language at home. And in India, the number of multicultural relationships has been increasing due to the nature of online dating and digital communication.

Don't let a language barrier stop you from pursuing your love!

Learn the language of your lover
Who wouldn't want to learn a new language if they had the chance? Dating someone who speaks another language at home is opportunity knocking. Learning a new language through your partner could be the most fun way to do so. You won't need to set up a separate time to practice speaking. Skip the textbooks, YouTube videos, and Rosetta Stone subscriptions. Merely spend time communicating with your partner.

Understand and appreciate another person
The language of love goes beyond speaking the same language, and having a partner who speaks another language exposes you to a whole new culture. Mother tongues are very private and link directly to self-identity, especially for people in the South Asian community. If your significant other trusts you enough to share this part of their life, respect and appreciate that link.

Find common ground
If you both speak a different language, you can simultaneously learn each other's language or share the common goal of learning a new one. This makes the time you spend together even more exciting. Although South Asia is home to so many different languages and respective dialects, you might find that two languages have more in common than you think. By exploring each other's languages, you may find that certain words sound the same or share similar sayings that you commonly hear at home. The possibilities of an overlap increases the chance of creating a more meaningful and personalized connection.

Realize you both are unique
It's common to focus on similarities and the elements that keep us connected. Many couples will find that the core cultural notions are universal within the South Asian community. Nonetheless, a difference in language sets each person apart and creates a sense of uniqueness and individuality. In relationships, it is very important to preserve your own sense of self or risk sabotaging the relationship.

Dating someone who speaks another language can feel daunting but maintaining strong communication and passion for that person will only enhance the relationship. Not only will your relationship grow, but so will you as a person... and isn't that what we all want at the end of the day?

Contributor, September 17, 2018

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